Description - Vocational training aims
to develop the person’s work behaviors and skills.
These behaviors and skills will enable the individual to move into more
advanced work programs.
With this training, the person with disabilities may secure a permanent
in the community. While in the program, participants are provided
opportunities to perform a variety of tasks for which they can earn
a pay
check. Also provided are opportunities for personal growth in areas
as socialization, communication and activities of daily living. Community
integration is supported and encouraged.
Referrals - The Community Mental Health
Agency refers individuals and provides
sponsorship to the program.
Needs Served - The program promotes independence
in the person’s life. Participants
learn to overcome problems resulting from the lack of work skills,
daily living skills and socialization skills.
Skilled workers are available for job contracts and under VSI supervision,
dependable workers per form a variety of tasks, e.g.:
Janitorial contracts within the community.
Collating, labeling, simple assembly, and bulk mailing jobs
for businesses.
Development of marketable craft products.
Promotional buttons for organizations.