The Pasty Cam
Week of March 1 - 7, 1998
Saturday 3/7
A little overcast this morning.  Standing at the Phoenix Store, this is the peaceful scene which the camera captures.  (light snow fell overnight)
Phoenix Church
Yooper Auto Repair
Friday 3/6
The Pasty Cam spyed this creative method of bumper support (note the clothes hangars). Thank goodness it's Friday! (in the parking lot at the Calumet Burger King).
Thursday 3/5
Not many deer in Eagle River this year.  A small committee was meeting in the webmaster's back yard this morning.  (just over their heads you can see Lake Superior)
Deer in Eagle River
Wednesday 3/4
Recognize this?  In bustling downtown Lake Linden, it has an ancient juke box and a lot of neat old stuff from the mines (a frequent stop for snowmobilers, of which we haven't had many this year).
Tuesday 3/3
This bubbly lady will be 100 years old in December.  Kathryn Sullivan is one of the residents at Still Waters and loves to join in the fun on Pasty Day at our home.  (visit us at the corner of Mine and Elm in Calumet)
Kathryn and her Pasty shirt
Delaware Mine tours
Monday 3/2
This morning snow returned to the Keweenaw.  But the banks are not high enough to obscure this familiar sight from the Pasty Cam. (snapped through the car window on the way from Ahmeek to Calumet)
Sunday 3/1
This little guy got his toy snowmobile un-stuck with a little help from a couple of Houghton County folks.  Spotted Sunday afternoon in the field across from the Calumet Pamida. Yes, Calumet does have a Pamida, a traffic light, and a TV station! (In case you haven't been here lately.)
The tiniest snowmobile
Newborn Alex Volker
Saturday 2/28
The Pasty Cam is born.
(and so is Alex Voelker)
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